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Ray Brunswig began his career in the Midwest in Non-Food Marketing. In the early '60s, he became Executive Vice President of Pioneer Products in Ocala, Florida. The firm was acquired by General Mills in 1970. Ray became President and served in that capacity until 1988.

Since then, he has worked as an industry consultant. Ray is actively involved in assisting U.S. and Canadian marketers, establishing partnerships with off-shore producers, most notably within the glass manufacturing sector specializing in the full range of glass applications from consumer goods to industrial building glass.

Ray has served on many boards, task forces and various committees, some of which include:
•American Research Merchandising Institute
•National Association of Service Merchandisers
•Food Marketing Institute
•International Housewares Association
•American Wholesale Marketing Association
•National Association for Retail Merchandising Services
•General Merchandise Distributor Council
•Service Merchandisers of America

Ray Brunswig received the 1996 Progressive Grocers Award for recognition as "one of the twenty who made it happen in supermarket non-food marketing."

Ray and his wife Phyllis live in Ocala, Florida.


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ray@raybrunswig.com               352.288.5029 or 352.598.9237               10 SE Ocali Way, Timucuan Island, Summerfield, FL 34491